Neo Earth

Monday, May 30, 2011

Viktor's Reflection Post

Over the past two years, I feel that I have improved as a blogger a lot. I have learned to add and caption pictures, add more links, write more creatively, and make the post more interesting. According to me, my posts have just gotten better and better; in my first scribe post ever, I did not include everything that I have now; I didn't have captioned pictures, had no links, and my post was very brief and not very scientific. In my second post, I included some links and stuff like that, but I again wasn't very scientific and didn't explain why what we did happened. The last 7th grade post wasn't much better, and neither was the first 8th grade one. In my second 8th grade post, I feel that I made a huge improvement. I had big titles for all the sections, I included a lot of science, captioned pictures, and much more. I included vocabulary and a nice video (which was embedded). In my last post for this year, I think that I did pretty much the same things as in the 3rd quarter, but I added a few more videos and I my multimedia was better.

I feel that blogs contribute to learning in school because the posts are written by students, for students, which according to me makes it easier to understand, because it is less complicated and more self-explanatory. It is also easier to incorporate multimedia such as pictures, videos from YouTube, and much more. Blogs are a way in which we can learn and be creative at the same time!

I think that a blog could be used for many other things; for example, an 8th grade blog for all subjects where one person writes all the homework for the next day and what we learned. That would be better than having an individual blog for each subject, and the teachers could take turns grading them. Blogging could also be used instead of the School-to-Home news that the school makes.

Blogging has helped my overall writing a lot, by helping me make it more creative and more interesting. I have learned to check my spelling, make sure the color of the post is good, and more. I have also learned to make sure my grammar makes sense, because sometimes I write things without knowing that I'm writing them (making mistakes without realizing). I think that blogging is a good exercise for being creative, and it also helps in English class!

My commenting to others has gotten better and better. I think that I have learned how to be critical without being mean, and I have also learned to find mistakes that aren't visible to the naked eye. I have learned to talk more about the science and not just the multimedia, which I do a lot. Blogging has contributed to all of this. Even when I proofread something in for example English for someone, I have learned how to be a little more critical and what needs to be done and what doesn't.

The most important thing I have learned from blogging is to review. I have learned to have someone else proofread my work, because what makes sense to me might not make sense to other people. I have also learned to be more exciting and to use technology better.

All in all, I think that this year's blogging has been really good and I hope we will continue with this in the future!

1 comment:

  1. WOW Viktor - what an excellent Reflection Post. I loved that you linked to your past posts and that you are very thorough in your answers to the questions asked. I will pass along your suggestion of using a blog for the School-to-Home News to Dr. Heslip. I think that is a terrific idea. You have some other great suggestions in here and I am glad that blogging has helped you overall as a writer. You have been an outstanding participant with blogs the past two years and if I have one at the new school I am headed to, I would love for you to comment to it. Thanks again for your hard work, dedication and motivation for this blog - you were one of the ones who made it worthwhile! ~Ms. D.
