Neo Earth

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Iva's Reflection Post

Over the last two years I have definitely improved in blogging. I am not saying that I think I am a great blooger, but I have gotten better. I feel that my posts are more organized, and neater. They are clearer, and easier to understand. I have also discovered some of the 'secrets' to blogging, and it has made blogging for me easier!
In my opinion, blogging can be used to do many different things, like sharing things you write, or maybe sharing recipes, or making a public blog to ask people questions about various topics. Blogging could also be used to summarize books read in classes in school, and to discuss the book, for example. But I also feel that blogs contribute to learning in a class. They can help students when they are sick and when they need help they can just look at the class blog, and everything we covered during class is there! A blog also can contribute to learning for a class because people sometimes post helpfull and interesting videos, and maybe those help others more. And of course, if your mind wonders off during class, you can look at the scribe post, and figure out what you missed! :D
Overall, blogging has helped my writing because I can write in a way that is more understandable and less confusing, and I can now write about class, and include scientific vocabulary well, with less problems! But not only has blogging helped me improve n my writing but also in my commenting to others. I can now comment to others in a nicer manner, and I have learned to be more critical(in a good way) and I have learned to comment more on the Science in the blog post, rather than the way it looks.
All in all, blogging has helped me realize that Blogger actually isn't such a bad thing in the end (even though it still gives me problems), but that it is actually helpful and I have learned that you should never copy a large amount of text into Blogger, because that causes unwanted problems. =D

1 comment:

  1. Iva - this is a well written Reflection Post! You have covered the requirements and have included detail to explain your thoughts. I love all of the suggestions of how a blog could be used for a class or in "real life". Great job! ~Ms. D.
