- I should check if my links work or if password/username are needed to access the website.
- I should explain my pictures more specifically.
- I should include more pictures.
- I should have explained what happened throughout the reading we did in class.
- I should have italicized the textbook's name.
- I should have included the Quiz's date.
- I should have included the homework due for next class at the end of the post.
- I should have included some extra link to YouTube videos or interesting websites that could have helped to understand the post.
Positive sides:
- Good spelling.
- Good pictures.
- I linked the Moodle site.
- I gave the definitions of the scientific vocabulary needed.
- I labelled the post correctly.
I will improve the 3rd quarter's scribe post by being more specific in everything I write, by including extra links that I found about the subject of the Scribe post. Then I will watch the colors of the font because some are not so legible. I will include more pictures and explain them if they need an explanation. About Blogger and the blog, I have to say I like the blog idea. First of all it's useful to understand and know what was done in science class if a student was absent. Also, it's good because an absent person could click on links included in the post and understand (at least a bit) the lesson. Also, the blog is good because we get to actually, when commenting on other's posts, understand the good and bad aspects of one's post. One thing I have to say, though, is that in some aspects Blogger has some defects. For example, is hard to position a picture in the middle or aside the text, once it is downloaded. Also, it would be good to have spell check in the option bar, wehn writing a post. Also, I've lately been having some problems commenting, because when I try to publish the comment, for some reason Blogger doesn't publish it, and automatically refreshes the page instead, so I'd have to rewrite the comment all over again. But overall, it is good to keep the blog in 8th grade.
Excellent Reflection Post Gio! You have covered everything I asked for and show that you understand how to improve your next quarter's Scribe Post. I like your vocabulary and picture choice too. This is very well written. Keep up the good work! ~Ms. D.