So when I posted my blog I did not realize that the type of respiration that we had gone over in class was cellular respiration so my link for that part was to the respiratory system. It should have been to the process in which cells allow energy and waste to come in or out. Other than this mess up, my links were fine. In the future I plan to pay more attention and not take so many notes and also to ensure that my links are correct and as Ms. D said I should have put a link to moodle which I will do from now on.
A lot of people also mentioned that I should have split up my blog so that it was easier to read. I am sorry for that and I will try to split the blog up where it is appropriate in the future. People also said that I needed more pictures for my blog. I plan on getting more in the future and also putting captions under them to explain what they are. I did have some grammatical mistakes and I think that it was just me not catching them so I will have my father read it over the next time I do one just to be sure. My labels and title were wrong so I will from now on put the title as the date of the class and have the labels be my name what it is and whatever else I am told is needed.
What I did well was my notes, my information, and the lab. People said that my information and notes were good and I hope they were because I spent half the class taking them. I had also included the lab we did that day which was good but as Ms. D pointed out I did not explain the lab which was my mistake.
I think that in doing the blogs we help those who were absent that day or need a refresher for a test or quiz. I like doing the blog and I think it is very affective. I am sure that almost every one learns a thing or two from the links and that we all help each other in our writing threw our comments. So the blogs are a great thing.
Calvin - thanks for your well written and complete Reflection Post. You seem to understand how you can improve next quarter's Scribe Post and I am glad you will have someone else look at your work to proof it (great idea!). I am glad you find the blogs affective and hope they help you out in the future. Nice work overall. ~Ms. D.