Neo Earth

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fabi's Reflection Post

Hey everyone! Looking back, I realize that I haven't tried my best with blogging this quarter. First of all, I didn't turn in my scribe post on time. Secondly, although I linked to Moodle, I forgot to link to Youtube or any other helpful sites. I also didn't add a caption for my picture. Even though I made a lot of mistakes in my post, I did remember to link to Moodle and tell the readers who the next scribe will be. My font was easy to read, and my paragraphs were well written.
Although this was a good start, there are places I could improve in. Next quarter, I will turn in my scribe post on time. I will also post more helpful videos and pictures, along with captions. I will try to be less vague in my labels. Finally, I will try to go more in depth about the class and the labs we are working on.
In my opinion, blogging is a great idea. Students that miss school can catch up on what we learned while they were gone by reading about it on the blog. Also, it's interesting to watch the different videos people post. We can also use the blog to study for tests by recaping what we did in class. Finally, if we forgot or didn't understand something in class we can read the scribe post for that day to clarify whatever we need clarified. Overall, I think the blog is very useful!

1 comment:

  1. Great Reflection Post Fabi. You have covered all of the necessary parts and have explained how you can improve your next quarter's post. Well Written! ~Ms. D.
