Welcome to AISZ's 8th Grade Science Blog. Here you will find information about what we are learning in class at the moment and other random thoughts we have. Enjoy our posts and feel free to leave us a comment or two.
Neo Earth
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday's Class

Monday, November 22, 2010
Class of Thursday 18, 2010
Here is the link to Moodle, to check homework:
Thursday in our science block we reviewed first of all the Periodic Table of Elements. We learned some symbols for some of the elements on the table because it would have shown up on our Quiz. After that we watched a few videos from Brainpop, (http://www.brainpop.com/) about cellular life, linked here:
- http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/cellstructures/preview.weml
- http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/activetransport/
- http://www.brainpop.com/science/matterandchemistry/diffusion/
- http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/photosynthesis/
- http://www.brainpop.com/science/cellularlifeandgenetics/plantgrowth/
- Diffusion: main method by which small molecules move across the cell membrane.
- Osmosis: diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane.
- Selectively permeable: some substances are able to pass through the membrane while others are not.
- Passive transport: the movement of dissolved materials though a cell membrane without using NRG.
- Active transport: the movement of materials though a cell membrane using cellular NRG.
- Exocytosis: movement of proteins leaving the cell across cell membrane.
- Endocytosis: movement of proteins coming into cell across cell membrane.

Also, here is the link to the YouTube video about diffusion and osmosis we had to watch:
One more thing we reviewed for the Quiz is the Mrs Gren method:
This was it for Thursday's class.
The next scribe is Fabi.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Class on Tuesday November 16th, 2010
At the beginning of class we had to first show Ms.D the homework that was due on Tuesday and then we went over the homework that is on Moodle.
Due Thursday: The food packet activity for the people in Speech and Debate.
Due Friday: Study for quiz. The will be focusing on animal cells, plant cells, cell theory, how something is alive, chemical compounds in cells and how cells function in the environments. (There will be a review session on Thursday) Another thing that is due Friday is the second blog comment. Also don’t forget to measure and water your plant.
For more information about homework visit Moodle: http://zagreb.ceesa.net/course/view.php?id=189
Later on we took a few notes on:
Melanin: a pigment in humans that reacts to sun light
Chlorophyll: green pigment
Fiber/cellulose: material from plant that humans cannot digest, causes excretion
Celery is a good example of fiber.
We also talked about the Tree Man. He has a special parasite that causes him to grow abnormal things on his skin.
If you want to find out more about the Tree Man here is a CNN link: http://articles.cnn.com/2008-10-02/health/treeman.wart.skin.disorder_1_common-warts-immune-system-growths?_s=PM:HEALTH
We also went over the food labeling activity and explained it to the people that were not there. After that we looked at a few blog posts and comments. Ms.D showed us a few ways how to write a better comment or post.
· -check your grammar, spelling and punctuation
· -add pictures
· -check rubric
· -choose the right font and color
· -give the link to Moodle
· -add captions to pictures
· add both positive and negative blog comments
The next scribe is GiO :)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Global Warming & Climate Change PSAs
If you are interested in viewing the PSAs (Public Service Announcements/Commercials) created by the 7th & 8th Graders during the first quarter, please check out YouAISZ on YouTube. This is AISZ's YouTube Channel.
YouAISZ on YouTube
Feel free to leave comments or let us know if you enjoyed the creations!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Science: November 15th, 2010
- Selectively Permeable
- Diffusion
- Osmosis
- Passive Transport
- Active Transport
- Transport Proteins -Page 40~answer questions 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26
Pages 44-48~ define the following words in your notebook or in your notes on the computer:
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Scribe post

Today for Science Ms.D was not here so we were under the supervision of a substitute teacher.
During the class, we were assigned to use our labels and find the Carbohydrate content, protein content and the lipid content. We were to use this information to complete the packet called "the food label activity". We learned that carbs are 4 cal/gram, proteins are 4 cal/gram and fat (or lipids) are 9 cal/gram. We learned to calculate if a product is a low fat food by fat calories/total calories X 100%.
The second thing we did was we took a test on the YouTube video we were supposed to watch for today. on the test we had to describe Osmosis and diffusion using the examples from the eggs used in the video.
The next scribe is Sophie.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday November 10

Four parts of RNA: A, U, C, G
v s n op c t
e ps w r r r
m i i t o e i
e r t h d t t
n a i u i i
t t v c oo
i e t n n
o i
n o
Inorganic: Not carbon based and not living.
Type of Compound | Elements | Functions |
Carbohydrate (Organic) (4 cal/g) (Sugars and Starches) (ends in -ose) | Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen | Provider of energy! |
Lipid (frat) (9 cal/g) (Organic) | Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. | Stores/Produces energy Has more energy, but harder to break down. |
Protein (4 cal/g) (Made from amino acids, might be enzymes. There are 20 amino acids.) (Organic) | Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and sometimes Sulfur. | Makes up organelles, helps digest, forms some cell membrane/wall parts. |
Nucleic Acids | Carbon,Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen,horous | |
Genetic code - trait - heridity - all functions of your life! | Hydrogen and Oxygen. | Helps chemical reactions in a cell; the reactions happen here. It is 70% or the body. Forms most of the cells and maintains the temperature of the body. |
Friday, November 5, 2010
Science Class on Friday November 5th, 2010
Elements = the basic substance of everything - can be made smaller
- 118 on the periodic table of elements
- 117 definite ones
- Block 117 doesn’t exist
If the letters in a block are written in:
Red = gas
Blue = liquid
Black = solid
White with black outline = human made solid
Organic- alive, living; carbon(C) based
Inorganic- not living; not carbon (C) based
Compound = molecules; two or more elements combined chemically; in order to separate I must add NRG.
Enzymes = speed up chemical rxn in body
We also added another compound to the chart which was nucleic acids, but we didn’t get to it during class. The chart had this information (I wasn't able to add a chart. So I wrote it out. Sorry):
Carbohydrates (Sugar and starch)- (4cal/g)
Lipids (Fat)- (9cal/g)
Proteins- (4cal/g)
Water (H2O)
Carbohydrates= Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
Lipids= Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
Proteins= Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and sometimes Sulfur
Water= Oxygen, Hydrogen
Carbohydrates= Provider of NRG
Lipids= Stores, produces NRG; similar to carbohydrates but contains even more NRG so it is harder to break down
Proteins= Also known as enzymes; make up organelles, help digest, form cell membranes/cell parts
Water= Makes up 2/3 of a humans body; helps cells keep their shape and size; keep cells from changing temp. too quickly; help chemical rxn
That is what we did in class on Friday. At the end of class we got homework to bring 4 nutrition labels (including carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins). We also have to read pgs. 30-37 in our textbooks, and we have to watch the link, on youtube, that Ms. D posted on Moodle!
Also, don't forget to water your pansy plants and water them!!!
If anyone wants to check out an amusing song about elements also known as the element song…. Click on this link below to watch it!!
The next scribe is Noam!:)