During science class on Tuesday we did many things. But first of all remember there is homework that is due on Thursday December 2, 2010 in science class. The homework that is due is the Team Plant Lab. If you lost the sheet go to Moodle under 8 Science 10-11
Make sure that you have the following things in your NOTEBOOK for the Team Plant Lab:
Graph - Make sure its on grid or graph paper (not line paper)

UVs & CVs - As many of these as possible

Paragraph - can be typed or handwritten but must be in your notebook. In here make sure you mention if your hypothesis was supported or negated. Mention at least three errors and why they happened.
State whether everyone put in the same amount of work and effort into the lab (This is separate from the paragraph)
There is also homework due on Friday December 3, 2010. Make sure to do the blog comment by Friday at 4 PM. If you commented twice on this blog you should make sure to also comment on the 7th Grade Blog.
In class we took notes on photosynthesis and started a lab.
Make sure you know these things about photosynthesis:
Photosynthesis is the process of cells taking NRG from the sun to produce food. This takes place in the chloroplasts. CO2 is needed for photosynthesis to happen.
1st stage - Plant captures NRG from sunlight
2nd stage - uses NRG to make food for plant
Some definitions that we learned in class:
Carnivore - eats meat only
Herbivore - eats plants only
Omnivore - eats plants & animals
Scavenger - eats dead stuff
Decomposer - break dead stuff down
Stomata - Opening (pore) on the underside of a plant leaf.
For the leaf stomata lab we started in class we were in groups of two:
Fabi and Davide
Iva and Reza
Terez and Ciprian (Cip)
Viktor and Antonia
Vance and Sophie
Bryce and Giovanna (Gio)
Noam and Valentin (Val)
Calvin and Daniel (Dan)
The main thing you should remember about class on Tuesday is Photosynthesis. Make sure to know about it. If you want to learn more about photosynthesis watch this video.
That was what we covered in Science on November 30, 2010 and the next scribe is...
Daniel (Dan)
Hi Reza, I really like this post!! You had great pictures, great links, and great usage of font! You used hyperlinks ina very professional way, which I like a lot. Some things you should improve are subscripting the "2" in Carbon Dioxide, and you should also make the picture of the graph either smaller of move it to the end of the list of things we need to have in our notebook for the plant lab.You also had one small grammar mistake, when you wrote that a decomposer "break dead stuff down". I don't think that you need to have both the real name and nickname of people in our class, choose one of the two to use. Instead of putting the link to Moodle, you should put the specific link to Moodle's science page and to the section that we are on (week 15). Other than that, this is a perfect post with great grammar and good labels. Excellent job!!
ReplyDeleteHi Reza, this is a really good post that will probably help people that where not there understand what you did in class. I like your use of pictures and links, but you might want to use some color. Same as Viktor said, you should just use one of the two names, not both real name and nickname. You should have moved the image of the graph down to the bottom or something, to make it so the words are pressed against the side like they are. It's good that you told the words and their definitions, but there should be more scientific vocabluary or data. Great post!
ReplyDeleteReza,I think this is a good post. Even though I wasn't in class I can figure out what happened. I liked the picture and the video. The video really explained what photosynthesis meant and helped me understand about life. I like that you included notes and vocabulary but i think you could add a bit more... But great post.
ReplyDeleteNice post Reza
ReplyDeleteI liked how you put the homework on so people wont forget and how you put pictures on too. I liked that you explained what we did in class and that you put on groups. Next time maybe add more color. Still nice Job.
Hey Reza,
ReplyDeleteGood job altogether on this post.I liked the pictures of the graph and the other picture of photosynthesis. This post was explained well also. It was good how you listed all the partnerships for the stomata leaf. A suggestion might be to post the links to Moodle for the homework and other items. Also it would have been good with a link to youtube with a video about photosynthesis.
Nice job! Ben
Hi Reza,
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your post! I really enjoyed reading it since you had nice colors and included everything that happened in your class. Even though i wasn't attending it, I understood perfectly what you were doing. Your pictures were really nice. I liked how you talked about your homework and how you wrote all of the teams. I found the websites you put very helpful, even though I found it hard to see them since they were in blue while the rest of your writing was in black. As Viktor said, I think you should change your "2" in carbon dioxide. You added a lot of supporting detail for what you wrote, and you were very precise on what had happened in class.
Overall, great post!
Good job Reza I thought that the fact you included the stages and the animal types was cool. But next time add some videos so that it's not all reading. Also you could have added some examples of herbavors, omnivores, etc. All in all the pictures information and layout are very good. Nice job Reza keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteGood post Reza, and I liked the fact you provided an example graph to clarify for some people, as well as the photosynthesis picture, as well as making it clear exactly what we did in class. I think you could have added a multimedia or youtube link, and been a little more in depth with the decomposer, etc, definitions.
ReplyDeleteReza - this post is rather thorough! Your labels are a bit off as you should not be using the date, but instead the subject matter to label. Plus, I am glad to see links and pictures. Your picture/graph does need to be explained more though, as it is not labeled by you or where it came from (title?, axes? units?). The link to Khan Academy is a good choice, although the first half is the more understandable part for what we have covered and the second half is not really needed. Your font is a good color and a good size; very readable. Lab teams being listed is not really needed her either. Overall, I think you put some good time and effort into the post. ~ Ms. D.
ReplyDeleteGood job Reza.
ReplyDeleteI like your post because you have same images. But in your post you forgot to put the title. You use a good color and good size of fonts. I mostly like your picture about the graph because it shows our plant how it is grow. Next time you should put more information about that lesson and some links and video that show photosynthesis and other things that talk about the plants growing and part.
Good job Reza
Hello Reza! I like your post! It is interesting to read, has some good pictures, but I think that your post should be much more colorful. And I think that you should have a little bit more links for your topic. And you should change "2" to Carbon Dioxide (like Ms.D says - it's very important!) And I liked how you put the homework in your post. But it is still a good post,