Then we moved on to the cell cycle.

We worked on trying to model the phases of the cell cycle(prophase, anaphase, metaphase, and telophase) with simple materials. Using the images from our Cell Cycle packet however many people ran into trouble when Ms. D asked questions about function of certain parts of the cell. So we reviewed together on the board. Mainly we talked about what centrials and spindle fibers. The centrials control everything about cell division they are the boss of the process. spindle fibers pull the chromatids to the sides of the cell so they are ready to be part of a new cell. After clearing that up we continued making the phases. After successfully making all parts of Mitosis we made the different parts of interphase. Then we remade the parts of Mitosis quickly probably in the amount of time we spent talking about the functions of centrials and spindle fibers. Then we taped our model of a phase of our choice to a piece of paper and then label it. It could not be

Remember Quiz on Thursday details can be found on Moodle
Flour Baby Reflection due on the 15th details on Wellness Moodle
Ineresting videos
Explanation of cell cycle here
Interesting animation here
The next scribe for when we return from break is Davide.