My celestial body was Venus.

Venus got its name from the Roman god Venus (which is equal to the Greek god Aphrodite), the god of love and beauty. It is probably because it is the third brightest object in the sky.
Some people also refer to it as the Earths sister planet.

Venus has similar mass to Earth.
• 12.100 km
• Scientific Notation: 4.8673 x 1024 kg
• The sixth largest -planet
• Metric: 5.243 g/cm3
On Venus a day is loner than a year. This is because it revolution takes 224.70 Earth days and its rotation takes 243.018 Earth days.
The atmosphere of Venus is made up of mostly carbon dioxin( 96%), 3.5% of it is nitrogen and 0.05% is made up of carbon monoxide, argon, sulfur dioxide, and water vapor. Venus had a huge amount of water but it all boiled away over time.
Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. Its temperature is around 500°C. There are also a lot of winds blowing on Venus.
Venus is the second planet from the sun, between Mercury and the Earth. Its average distance from the Sun: 108 million km and 0.723 AU

First peopele studying Venus were the Babylonians. The first peerson pointing a telescope at Venus was Galileo Galilei. The first mission going past Venus was Mariner 2.
There were 4 importante missions to Venus. Akatsuki, Venera 7, Venus Express and Magellan. Venera 7 was the first one landing on the surface of Venus and surviving for 8 minutes.
Venus doesn`t have any moon or rings.
The symbol of Venus is also the symbol of females. It symbolizes a mirror. You can see the symbol in the picture on the top.
5 interesting facts:
The distance between Venus and Earth is 41,840,000 km.
This is a 100 times farther than the Moon.
Venus has a weak or no magnetic fild.
Venus is one of two planets the rotate clockwise.
Venus is called both, the Morning and the Evening star.
Venus is also what we call the Christmas star.
Here is a video about the surface of Venus.
You can also go and look at Moodle to see if we have any homework.
Next is Fabi with Mars
Hi Terez,
ReplyDeleteThis is, once again, a very nice post! I like the way you used colors, and I also liked the video about the surface of Venus! You could have added at least one more thing specifically about Venus, though. You also misspelled some words, like people and and important. I think that you could have added more information about the missions and what they did on Venus, and you could have explained more about why the revolution takes longer than the rotation. I also think that your font should have stayed the same throughout the whole post. Other than that, your labels are correct, you had nice detail, and good numbers (although you forgot to superscript....) Nice job! :)
Terez - Your post looks good this time around and again you have done a nice job including pictures and links. Keep in mind your pictures should be captioned, but their placement is helpful. I think you have a few too many colors, and this takes away from the flow of the piece - maybe some bold words to separate out different sections would have helped. Plus, I think you could have defined some of the words you used a bit more clearly and included a bit more scientific vocabulary. For example, you did not include the word retrograde or explain why the water all boiled away or how Venus is an excellent example of the Greenhouse Effect for Earth. Don't forget to include the date in the title. The one other thing you need to check over more carefully before publishing is your spelling. Grammar, punctuation and sentence structure all look good. Nice improvements from last time and good work on scribe posts throughout the year. ~Ms. D.
ReplyDeleteHey Terèz,
ReplyDeleteI really liked your scribe post, and I can see a lot of improvement between this one and your precedent one! I liked the videos you hyper-linked, about Venus' surface and Venus on National Geographic. Also, you used a great deal of technology throughout the whole post; you hyper-linked Moodle and other videos. I thin, though, that you could have chosen less colors, because they are kind of confusing overall. Also, you could have used bullet points, to spread better the information in the post. On the scientific side of this post, instead, I think you could have improved much more. You included a lot of information, but most of it wasn't explained deep enough, such as the winds blowing on Venus, the water that boiled, the surface, the similarities with earth, and many others. I also noticed many spelling mistakes. Overall, nice improvement, and good post!