Hello everyone, the topic I chose to present on was the planet Neptune.
Basic Information
->Eight and farthe
st planet from the Sun
l->4,504,000,000 km away from the Sun
l->Fourth largest planet in diameter (49,532 km equatorial)
l ->Third largest planet by mass (1.024726 kg)
l->Revolution: 165 Earth years (a year)
l->Rotation: 16.1 Earth hours (a
l->Surface temperature: -214 degrees Celsius
l->Density: 1.638 g/cm3
Its name comes from the Roman god of the sea, Neptune. Its symbol is Neptune's trident as you can see below.
Discovery and Observations
l->Discovered by Johann Gottfried and Louis d’Arrest on the 23rd of September 1846
l->Earlier predictions were made by John Couch and Le Verrier because Neptune’s gravitational field disturbed Uranus’s orbit
l->Voyager 2 on the 25th of August 1989
l->Ground based observations
l->Hubble Space Telescope observations


Moons and Rings
l4 rings
Adams, Le Verrier, Galle, Lassel
Unknown composure
Neptune has 13 known moons; 7 small named ones, Triton, and 5 other ones.
l->Named after the god of the sea in Greek mythology, it is the son of Poseidon (Son of Neptune in roman mythology)
l->354,760km away from Neptune
l->2700 km in diameter
l->2.1422 kg
l->Orbits backwards or clockwise in comparison to the other moons(retrogade)
l->Surface temp. -235 degrees Celsius
l->Discovered in 1846
l->5,513,400 km away from Neptune
l->340km in diameter
l->Unknown mass
l->Named after the sea nymphs
l->Discovered in 1949
l->116,600 km away from Neptune
l->418km in diameter
l->Unknown mass
l->Named after a sea god that could change his shape at will
l->Non-spherical shaped
l->Discovered in 1989
Interesting Facts
Triton is the coldest known planetary system in our Solar System and has nitrogen ice volcanoes that shoot out ice plumes 20 miles high.
Neptune has the fastest winds in the Solar System (2000 km/hr), it also has the closest gravitational pull in comparison to our Earth (1.17G) and Pluto may have been a moon of Neptune's that escaped its gravitational pull.
The Great Dark Spot and Scooter
l->The Great Dark Spot is a hole in the methane cloud deck of Neptune (changes size and shape) , a storm
l->It can fit one earth inside of it
l->Moves 300 meters/second
l->Winds around it are the fastest in the solar system (2000 km/hr)
l->Discovered by Voyager 2
l->Scooter is an irregular shaped cloud
l->Probably a plume rising in lower atmosphere
l->Flies eastward around the circumference of the planet every 16 hours
Hi Ciprian,
ReplyDeleteThis is a nice post! You have a lot of pictures, and very many facts! There are, of course, some things you could improve on, though; you could have a link to Moodle plus to a video or something like that, plus you could have used more than one color. You also, just like Dan, have a bunch of empty space at the end of this post; that makes it confusing! You should also try to keep the font the same in the entire post. Other than that, there isn't really a lot to say except for "nice job!" :)
Ciprian - You have posted this in time and have included majority of the information you covered in your presentation during class. Grammar, punctuation and spelling look good. But the overall format keeps changing - font type, bold words, spacing - which makes this more difficult to follow. Plus you have no links that I can find (Moodle or other) and you were required to have links to Moodle, your notes and something else that adds new information to your post. It is disappointing. I do like your pictures, although they are not captioned. In the future, please pay closer attention to the requirements of the assignment. ~Ms. D.