cross at bottom= wings on feet.*
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It doesn't have much of an atmosphere because of its closeness to the Sun, the solar winds blow it away. Also, from being so close to the Sun, the gravitational pull is much stronger, causing the planet to rotate a lot faster. 1 day on Mercury is approximately 59 (Earth) days while 1 year is 88 (Earth) days. Even thought it is close to the Sun, it is one of the coldest planets because the heat isn't trapped by an atmosphere. The temperature ranges from -173 / 427 °C.

MESSENGER stands for MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, Ranging. It was the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury. MESSENGER took off on August 3, 2004 and has now been orbiting Mercury for around 5 weeks.
If you want to know more about MESSENGER's orbit, watch this video.. MESSENGER
Interesting Facts:
- The planet is only seen after the Sunrise and before the Sunsets.
- Even though Mercury has a large iron core (1800-1900 km thick), it only has a magnetic field 1% of Earth's. Also, people think the core may be molten.
- While standing on Mercury, the Sun would seem 3 times larger than on Earth.
- It is the second smallest and densest planet in the solar system.
- 13 times every 100 years, Mercury passes in front of the Sun and is visible from Earth. This is called a transit. The next transit is happening on May 9th, 2016.
Hi Sophie!
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good post! I like that you used pictures (athough they are missing captions) and nice, simple colors. You should check your spelling in a couple of places, because, for example, you wrote "Babylonin's" instead of Babylonians, and you only had one link - you could have added at least one more. Your science looks good except for the part about rotation and revolution; you said that the gravity causes the planet to rotate faster, but a day on Mercury is 59 Earth days! So I guess you meant that it revolves faster. You could have added a link to your note sheet as well. Other than that, I liked the one video you included, and your labels look fine except for that you are missing "scribe post". I also think your explanation of MESSENGER was good. Keep it up! ;)
Hi Sophie!
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good post. I liked the pictures that you included and the writing was easy to read. Good choice of color and font. I think you could have talked a little about the weird magnetic field of Mercury, because I was missing that part. You could have liked to your notes. However I liked the link to the video. Overall I liked your post.
Hello Sophie,
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post! You had good pictures, the color was good, I liked the link, your explanation of MESSANGER was good, and I also liked the interesting facts. You could put more videos though next time because you had only one so you should've find more, and a little more pictures. Also you should add captions next time to the pictures. Also you had some spelling mistakes so watch out for that. I also thought that your labels were good, but you forgot "scribe post".
Overall good post!!!
Hey Sophie!
ReplyDeleteI think that you did a good job on this scribe post. I liked that you only put the important facts about Mercury, such as that it is the second smallest and second densest planet in our solar system. I also liked your pictures, although you did not add captions explaining what they are, or what they show and that you added a video of Messenger. The grammar and spelling was good except for a few typos that you made.
Overall, nice post!
Hey Sophie,
ReplyDeleteNice Post! I liked the images you put because they were all about mercury, and it was a very nice idea to post a picture of Mercury's sign, even though you should have put some captions because otherwise one may not know what the pictures mean. Also, I did not understand the last two sentences of the first paragraph, “Notice the wings on his feet and shoes which show up on the sign. Circle= head, half circle= wings on helmet." Because the two sentences were not linked in any way. But I did like the fact that you compared the Mercury symbol to Hermes and the stance he is in. You were also able to explain well what MESSENGER meant, and I was able to discover something new! The science part was good, but you could have added why you can only see the planet after the sunrise and before the sunset. And you could have explained what molten meant or put an extra picture. But I did like that you put all these small facts because it made it easy to read and it was a good learning method, as well as I liked that you included what transit meant!
Overall really good post!
ReplyDeleteYou did a good job on the scribe post and covered all the basic facts about mercury. However you could have gone more in depth and described the difference between the dark side and the light side of mercury and the effects of the sun on the planet. You also did a god job describing the sign. You did a job describing what you did but you could have gone deeper and conveyed more information than you did. It might have been interesting to mention that the craters are being named after famous people of arts such as musicians and authors.
Hi Sophie,
ReplyDeleteYou did a very good job on your scribe post, and included most of the requirements. The pictures were good, you had good color, and most labels correct. "Scribe Post" needs to be added to your labels, and the pictures need captions. There are a couple spelling mistakes, and the second paragraph about Mercury, the one with the numbers about temperature and days, is a bit confusing and could use a bit of clearance. You had a great link, but you maybe could have added a second one. Other than that, the post is good and I like the interesting facts at the end.
Hey Sophie,
ReplyDeleteOverall, the post was well done, however you had a couple of spelling and grammar mistakes (it's/its), and as mentioned above could've added the correct lables and captions for your pictures. The science aspect was well done and I think you included most if not all of what you presented in your powerpoint.
Hi Sophie I like your Blog, but you didn't use different text colours, but your Blog was very organized. You should have used more detail with e.g. the atmospheres and lands ingredients. And you don't have a single link nor to Moodle or a different source. But you do have enought pictures. Overall not your best Blog but acceptable.
ReplyDeleteSophie - I enjoyed reading through your post about Mercury. but you have missed some things from the rubric. Your grammar and spelling look good. I like your video link to Messenger information, but think you could have explained what it was showing your readers. You have not included any of the information you collected with numbers and have not linked to Moodle or your notes. For the format aspect, I think one color is fine, but you need to watch your spacing more, as it takes away from the overall view of your work. I think you have some improvements here from your last one. Nice work! ~Ms. D.