Now for the science behind the experiments. For the Dna extraction lab: So what happens is that the person will crush some strawberries in a bag then add the extraction buffer this is a mixture of soap and water. The soap helps remove grease and impurities. After that the person puts cheese cloth over the funnel placed on the test tube and pours the mixture in. Once this happens ethanol is added and small bubbles will begin to appear this is the dna. Traits of AISZ: This experiment is to see wether more people have the dominant or recessive traits such and hitchhiker's thumb(dominant) or do not have hitchhiker's thumb(recessive). And lastly the dna model building: dna is in the shape of a double helix and the sides are made up of dioxyribose and phosphates. There are four nitrogen bases within the dna Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine they pair up respectively. As I have previously said this lab has a tendency to attract the most people.
After an hour and a half we went to normal classes. After two periods we got back to science day, but instead of doing the presentations we went to see other peoples. First we saw the 11-12th grade. The two I went to were the wave length one which before they got the machine working was gravity hammer, and the equilibrium lab. The gravity hammer was a hammer being held up by a piece of wood and string. The wave length lab was a piece of string moving back and forth very fast and it showed a wave. The equilibrium lab was three popsicle sticks holding each other up. this could happen because all the forces on the sticks were equal. Other labs I didn't see were light refraction and lemon power. After 11-12th grade presentations we went to the tenth grade presentations. The tenth grade did theirs on nuclear power. They tried to convince people that it was a good thing and that a nuclear power plant does not make bombs. They convinced me and made me believe it is good.
Once we were done there we moved on to SK and the second graders. The second graders I saw were doing a lab about colors within colors. Such as in black there is all colors. I didn't get to see what the rest of the second grade was doing so please tell me in the comments so I can add it in. Back to science day. When we went to SK they showed us what floats and sinks, the other children did what rolls and stacks. After these exciting presentations we had to go back and do ours again for the parents. When it was all over and done we cleaned up and went home.
The next scribe is Vance.
Hi there Calvin,
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post! You added thoroughly what you did in class and I understood what was going on perfectly even though I didn't attend it. You had helpful pictures, which I think is great. Though, you could have added one or two more to make your post more fun to read. You had a link, which is usually great. Though, the YouTube video didn't really explain DNA that well, and the comments at the start and the end of the video didn't make sense. Also, halfway through the video, Lady Gaga's Poker Face started playing, which was ok, even though distracting, and it didn't match the subject. When the person explained what she did and was doing, it was hard to understand since she didn't explain DNA and what she was doing with the strawberries well enough. She should have explained what she was doing while she actually showed how she did it, and not before or after. You also could have added a link to Moodle, and you should have added your homework. Overall, nice post, but to be improved.
Hey Calvin,
ReplyDeleteI think that your post was okay. Some parts turned out well and some parts could be slightly improved. I'll start with the positives. One positive of your post was that you managed to put in a link to a YouTube video. I thought that the video was simple and did not explain the terms in a complicated manner. I think that it was good that you did not put too many colors. I know that I used to say that people's post need more color. But now I see it looks more professional without lots of color. The other part of the post that I thought was good was the part that you explained the times we were doing the science day and explaining the times we went back to class. The last part that I thought was the most important part of your post was the part where you explained what some of the classes we visited were showing on science day. For example you explained how some of the seniors were showing the gravity hammer. And how the second graders were studying colors. You also explained what are labs were about, I thought that that was a good thing to bring up on your scribe. Those were all the good things that I saw in your post. There were also some parts that I think you can improve on. One of these things is you should have put a link to Moodle. And another thing that you could improve about your post was your English punctuation/grammar. You should have written February with a capital letter. Even though your video was good at the start, towards the end some music came on and it was not very related to anything the video was talking about. I think that one other part of your post was missing and it is what we actually did during normal science class that day. The last improvement that you should have made was explain the traits of AISZ lab more throughly. Anyways your post was quite good and in depth in most parts, but you still could have made it more detailed.
Hi Calvin,
ReplyDeleteI liked your post. Although you had little pictures and no captions and only one link (I think you could have added moodle)but you had a lot of information about what you did in class and on science day. You had a lot of science in your post though some of it was kind of hard to understand. I don't think that pokerface is a part of DNA but... The link was also hard to understand and did not explain everything properly. You could have made your font in color and maybe spaced out a little more often because like this in two paragraphs it looks kind of boreing and uninteresting. You had some grammer mistakes like puncutation and capitalization and things like that. I think that this is not the best post I have read but I think that you did a good job.
ReplyDeleteYou have a good post that I am sure most people will be able to understand, however it is very informal. Also you need to capitalize DNA correctly. Most of the time you spelt it dna or Dna which is incorect. you could have spread the pictures out more but the ones you had were good in showing the posible result of the labs at different levels or with different materials. It might have been a good idea to break into paragraphs after explaining each of the grade levels or one of teh labs to avoid huge chunks of text. Also it is a bit strange that you put 11th/12th but spelt out tenth. Overall you explained everything well and teh pictures were helpful but the post could be improved.
Hi Calvin,
ReplyDeleteThis is a pretty good post. You had good pictures relating to the science, a nice YouTube link, and good detail. I liked that you explained science day, but you explained nothing at all about the actual class! You also didn't have any color except for black, which made the post look very boring. It was good that you broke up the post into paragraphs, though! You could have had a link to the instructions for the different labs we were doing during Science Day. Also, keep in mind that you need to capitalize February, DNA, etc. You spelled some words wrong, such as deoxyribose (you spelled it "dioxyribose") Your video was good, and the music didn't really bother me. You also have a scientific mistake; in the DNA extraction liquid, there was not only soap and water but also salt, which made the parts of the cell break apart and made the DNA show. Like Bryce said, the post is very informal and you have no captions for your pictures. You definitely should have talked about the quest coming up on Thursday, because it is one of the biggest grades this quarter. You also could have included a link to the Pedigree challenge which was our homework for Friday. Other than that, this post is very detailed although it doesn't include anything about actual science class. Keep up the good work, though! :)
hi Calvin
ReplyDeletewell to begin, I noticed that ypur post was all from your perspective and I had reasons to support that this was good and bad. Also within your post I noticed gramatical errors and 1 phrase error. Some positive things that I noticed were that you had a few relevant pictures and that you went in depth into the science of the labs and used scientific vocabulary. Aside from that, I also saw that you seemed to be lacking any links, even to moodle! I did not watch the video but I could tell that it was relevant to the topic of genetics. Over all this was major improvment to your last post.
Hey Calvin,
ReplyDeleteI think yours was a really specific scribe post, with positive and negative sides. First of all, I thought that the YouTube link you included was helpful, and the detailed paragraphs helped to understand what we did for science day very clearly. Also, I liked that you explained pretty much all the different activities we were doing in groups, even though you could have gone a bit further in dept. What you could have improved is the punctuation and a few spelling mistakes, and mostly you could have explained the other classes' experiments a bit more. One more thing, you didn't include the homework and a Moodle link, and neither a hyperlink. Also, I think you could have concentrated more about the science and less about the children's preferences, although it was kind of true, what you said. Other than that, I liked your post much,
Hey Calvin
ReplyDeleteI'll start with the negatives. The post was very dry. I think you should have added more colors. You had a few grammar mistakes for instance, dna should have been DNA. Another link to a video would be helpful too. I think you should have also added the homework (if there was any) and a link to moodle. I agree with Gio, you left out the science part of science day, and talked too much about what the little kids did. Last suggestion, I don't really think you should have asked the questions on what to add to your post. Now for positives. The youtube link was helpful and filled me in on DNA extraction. You did well specifically explaining what your class did at the stations. The pictures were relevant and interesting. I also liked how you put in a few of the AISZ Trait questions so people can know what was going on. Good post, Calvin, but I think you could've put more effort.
Ben :D
Hey Calvin! Your scribe post had pretty good information but was a little boring. When describing the labs, you could have put bullet points. The pictures were fine but not that helpful. Maybe some colors would have been nice (on the text). There were some grammatical and punctuation errors. Also, you put a youtube link that was fine but forgot to put a link to Moodle. The homework was not included which could have been more informative. For next time, you can work on some things. Overall I think this was an o.k post.
ReplyDeleteHey Calvin,
ReplyDeleteWhile it was good that you described what we did in science day, and did it in-depth, stating all the experiments we preformed during it, this post could've been better. First of all, you had quite a few spelling mistakes (deoxyribose, for example, as Viktor pointed out). Second, the way you typed this out was very muddled, skipping around to different parts. You also had some punctuation mistakes. You didn't talk too much about the actual science portion of what happened, just listing the events. Overall, your post was good, as it listed what happened in detail, but could've been improved.
Hey Calvin,
ReplyDeleteI like your post, I think you definitely improved from the first time you scribed. The pictures are pretty good though I am sure you could of found better ones. It is really awesome that you are talking about the science behind the experiments we did in class and it is good you said what the DNA extraction mixture was composed of and what it does.From what I can see you did not do any spelling or grammar mistakes. There are a few problems though, you did not capitalize all the letter in DNA and you did not capitalize the months. You also could have done a better job at adding links, not only one, maybe moodle. You also should have had a caption for your pictures, but except these mistakes everything seem good.
All the best,
Calvin - there are some definite improvements here compared to your first blog post of the year. You have covered Science Day very effectively, but did not really cover what we did in class that day; which is a bit more important for this particular blog. Great explanation of the stations we used, although you could have gone further with the Traits collection we were doing. Plus, you spell DNA with many different combinations of capital and lower case letters. I like the pictures you chose, as well as the link, but it would have been better to add class photos once you had access to them and you are required to link to Moodle. Your link is a nice replica of the lab we did in class and is very easy to follow. In places you have some capitalization issues and some grammar issues, but overall the writing is solid. I do think you could have go further into the science - especially vocabulary and what was covered during class. Again, nice work on Science Day, I think your readers truly understand what we did as a school. ~Ms. D.