Neo Earth

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Noam's Reflection Post

I believe that I have improved over the years of blogging because from now one, I will proofread my work before I post it. Blogging is good for classrooms because when people are sick and/or missed a class, they can check the blog to see how they can get up to date. Also, if a student did not understand what the teacher said in class but understands it better when a student explains it, the student can then get a lot more done.A blog can also be used for sharing pictures, art, music and many more different things. Blogging helped my overall writing in the way that I try to spell words i don't know by trying to listen to how the word sounds. Blogging helped me comment about peoples writing because I try to read carefully and understand what the person wrote.The most important thing I learned from blogging is that if some people don't understand your work or they see it differently, you just have to think "why not" and try not to get angry.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Reflection Post Noam. You have met all of the requirements and have given some detail in your answers. I would agree that you have done much better at proofing your work since this project began, especially your spelling. I also would agree that your comments help you focus on what the person has written. Overall I think you have become a successful blogger! ~Ms. D.
