Over the last few years I feel I've improved as a blogger because I've learned the importance of checking the rubric before posting. I've also learned that it isn't enough just to add the links we talked about during class.
I think blogging contributes to learning because if we ever have to study for a test we can always go back to the blog. Also, I learn better when I review and write things down, and blogging is a great way to do both. Finally, having all the information we learned in class taught to us by our friends, who write and think in a way similar to the way I do, sometimes helps me understand things I didn't before better.
The blog could be used by the teacher to see whether or not we are understanding and applying the things we learn in class. It is also good practice for us because our blog posts are like summaries of what we did in class.
I think that blogging has helped with my overall writing because I've learned how to make my posts understandable and organized. I also learned to check rubrics and how to make my posts appealing and interesting.
My commenting has also improved this year because I've learned how to include science in my comments as well as compliments.
The most important thing I learned from this blogging experience is to always check the rubric before posting, and how to make my blogs organized and well-written. Also, by writing my blog posts and commenting on people's posts, I learned a lot. I think overall the blog is really good.
Fabi - Good job in answering all of the questions asked with detail and depth. I would agree that the blog has helped you pay closer attention to a rubric and has helped in your summarizing for Science. Nice work here and I am glad you enjoyed the blog! ~Ms. D.