Neo Earth

Friday, November 5, 2010

Science Class on Friday November 5th, 2010

During today’s class, we took notes. Before we begun taking notes, Ms. D checked if we did our homework, which was filling out and completing the chart on carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water, and to finish reading pages 25-30 if we didn’t finish in class. Then, we all took out our notebooks and we began discussing what we read and what we wrote in our charts. We reviewed the periodic table of elements, we reviewed elements, and we took notes on what organic and inorganic meant, and the chart we completed, and we discussed and learned what a compound is. The notes were the following:

Elements = the basic substance of everything - can be made smaller

- 118 on the periodic table of elements

- 117 definite ones

- Block 117 doesn’t exist

If the letters in a block are written in:

Red = gas

Blue = liquid

Black = solid

White with black outline = human made solid

Organic- alive, living; carbon(C) based

Inorganic- not living; not carbon (C) based

Compound = molecules; two or more elements combined chemically; in order to separate I must add NRG.

Enzymes = speed up chemical rxn in body

We also added another compound to the chart which was nucleic acids, but we didn’t get to it during class. The chart had this information (I wasn't able to add a chart. So I wrote it out. Sorry):


Carbohydrates (Sugar and starch)- (4cal/g)

Lipids (Fat)- (9cal/g)

Proteins- (4cal/g)

Water (H2O)


Carbohydrates= Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen

Lipids= Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen

Proteins= Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and sometimes Sulfur

Water= Oxygen, Hydrogen


Carbohydrates= Provider of NRG

Lipids= Stores, produces NRG; similar to carbohydrates but contains even more NRG so it is harder to break down

Proteins= Also known as enzymes; make up organelles, help digest, form cell membranes/cell parts

Water= Makes up 2/3 of a humans body; helps cells keep their shape and size; keep cells from changing temp. too quickly; help chemical rxn

That is what we did in class on Friday. At the end of class we got homework to bring 4 nutrition labels (including carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins). We also have to read pgs. 30-37 in our textbooks, and we have to watch the link, on youtube, that Ms. D posted on Moodle!

Also, don't forget to water your pansy plants and water them!!!

If anyone wants to check out an amusing song about elements also known as the element song…. Click on this link below to watch it!!

The next scribe is Noam!:)


  1. This is a great post Iva. You explained what we did in class thoroughly and you added great links and pictures. You should try to keep having the same font throughout the whole post, because sometimes you change it in the middle of a paragraph. Also, you said "don't forget to water your pansy plants and water them" which doesn't make sense. Other than that, I think that this post will definitely help someone who was absent during Friday's class and you clearly stated what we have for homework! Great job!!!

  2. Hey Iva,
    I liked this post and you put great detail on what you did in class.
    I think it was a good idea to put the notes you took and to add a YouTube post of the element song. I also liked that you explained the graph and that you put pictures.
    I didn't really understand what this meant thought:

    - 118 on the periodic table of elements
    - 117 definite ones
    - Block 117 doesn’t exist

    I also think you could have put the link to moodle and maybe you could have given some examples of what you discussed about and what you wrote in the chart so that if someone is really sick they can compare theirs to your examples.
    I thought it was very intelligent that you added what each colored box meant for the periodic table of elements chart. I also like that you said what was for homework. I liked that you reminded everyone about your project.
    Overall I think it was really good and that even though I didn't attend the class and that I am a grade lower, I still could understand what you were talking about!

  3. Overall this is a great post Iva! I like how you had the homework stated and reminded us to water and measure our pansies. Also, the picture was nice, the periodic table helped to understand everything better, and I liked how you color coded some words to make them stand out. More good things about your post are most of it was thorough and I liked how you put an extra link on to make it more fun/interesting. Although like Viktor said, what you stated about the pansy plants didn't make sense (I mean, I can understand what you wanted to say but if someone was gone they wouldn't know what you meant).

  4. Greet job Iva.
    I like your post because you explane all the stuf that we did in class. You also put same photo about the flower and about DNA and you also explain what is it and for what we have the DNA. I see That you put a web site and it was great. You put the picture of the periodic table and you explain the color some formula and the functions.

    Good Job Davide (Ruru)

  5. Good post Iva, I think it was helpful how you linked a picture of the periodic table then explained its components and the types of elements, as well as listing the other things we did in class, as well as the work on fats, lipids, carbohydrates and water. It's good how you posted the homework and reminded us to water our plants.

  6. Hi there Iva - I do like your post overall, but I think the other "commenters" above gave some good suggestions. The changing of the font was the most distracting aspect of your post, plus I think you could have had some more pictures and linked to Moodle for homework. But I do like how thoroughly you covered what we discussed about the Periodic Table and including one in your post was extremely helpful. I also like that you linked to Elements Song - adds some humor to this. In places you need to pay more attention to your verb tense usage. Nice work for your first post of the year! Keep it up! ~Ms. D.
